written January 2022 (before I gave my life to Jesus + created Untamed Soul)

Turning my mess into my message


To take off the mask and share my healing journey authentically, inspiring others to keep pressing through their own journey.

In my fourteen years behind the chair as a stylist, i have chatted about everything from my favorite beauty products, to my on-trend shoes, quick, go-to dinner the kids love, my newest home decor, to our next vacation. we also talk about the not-so-fun stuff of life... sickness, divorce,death, addiction, mental illness. while i absolutely love to talk about all the pretty, physical things (enneagram 4 over here... i love things to look and make me FEEL a certain way), i've learned...the hard way... that those things mean nothing if your heart & soul aren't happy. we just live in an age where it's easier to post a pretty pic with some nice words than admit that our lives could be anything but sparkly and "perfect".

In being vulnerable & sharing my struggles with my "clients" (aka friends), i quickly realized that i was far from alone... and that most were just too afraid to vocalize it, but needed the support just as much as i did. well, i'm not afraid to vocalize my shortcomings anymore. i want to utilize my little corner of the internet to not only show you where and how to get all the pretty things i love aesthetically, but more importantly share resources that i have personally used to repair & restore my soul. i'm a CONSTANT work in progress, so my list is bound to get extensive! ;)

I’m one of those who had to learn everything the hard way.

Well, my way was obviously NOT working out for me, so I … begrudgingly at first, surrendered the control to the Lord. What happened next changed my whole life.

I want to use my story to help others in similar situations and hopefully prevent people from even getting into these situations in the first place.

Turning my mess into my MESSAGE.

My Mess:

struggles with self worth
body image issues
mental, spiritual, emotional, financial, verbal, religious abuse
toll it took on kids
unhealthy family + friendship dynamics
loved ones struggling with addiction

…….. to name a few.

Healing Journey:

I've put all of the resources I have used during this healing journey into one place. We are overloaded with resources nowadays and it is really overwhelming when we're already in survival mode.

My hope is to be able to help others sift through the noise and find a path that fits their journey.

You'll see that I have tried SO many avenues throughout these last few years. From Oprah's "What I Know For Sure" to Kevin Hart's "The Decision" to a podcast called Connect The Dots, B*tch all the way to Christian Sermons...just to name a few.


Little Reminders


letter to my ex husband